Friday, February 15, 2013

Don’t Write It Off: Print Is Still Alive and Well

As the boom in social media, e-mail drip campaigns and other online marketing continues to evolve and grow, the question of whether or not print marketing is obsolete never seems to be put to bed. Before companies write off print to adopt a completely digital marketing strategy, they should stop and consider how print and digital marketing projects can actually work together within a larger marketing strategy.

Benefits of Print Marketing

These days, potential clients are inundated with e-mails and online ads advertising companies’ latest deals. Some believe that recipients are over-saturated with these promotions, which means the message is often lost when an e-mail goes unopened or is deleted.

This is where print marketing can enhance a company’s online marketing efforts. Print marketing, including mailers, brochures and sales sheets, can reinforce the messages in e-mail or other online marketing campaigns. For example, a print marketing campaign can include a QR code that directs recipients to a company’s website. Others point to the benefits of giving recipients something they can hold in their hands, which makes not only a visual impression but a tactile one.

Integrating print marketing with online marketing also helps strengthen a company’s brand recognition. Recipients may receive an e-mail or view an ad with a company’s flashy new logo, tagline and font styles, then find a mailing in their mailbox with the same logo, tagline and styles. This helps reinforce a company’s brand and increase brand recognition for recipients.

Print marketing can also lend credibility to online marketing campaigns. When potential clients receive direct mail or another physical piece of advertising, it helps show these clients that a company is legitimate and reputable.

Lastly, companies can target their audiences much more specifically with print marketing than with online marketing. A digitally printed direct mail campaign can target specific demographics and even be translated into different languages. Some companies may choose to mass market online and target market with printed materials.

How Matreks Can Help

Matreks Printing is the go-to source for Twin Cities companies that wish to integrate their online and print marketing campaigns. Matreks can help these companies match the style and logos of a print campaign to those used in an online campaign. It can also help companies choose from a wide variety of paper products and printing styles so their direct mail campaigns are effective.

If your company is ready to integrate your online and print marketing campaigns, contact Matreks Printing today at 952-746-4010.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Use Digital Printing to Quickly and Effectively Update Your Promotions

Sales, special events and seasonal promotions require Minneapolis companies to find printing solutions that are fast and cost-effective. The digital printing options at Matreks help companies quickly and effectively update their promotional materials to reflect the newest sale, latest special event and current season. Matreks can even help companies with multi-language promotional materials.

Digital Printing Is Your Company’s Choice for Quick Changes

What makes digital printing so effective for fast changes to promotional materials is the printing process itself. Unlike offset printing, which requires printers to create one master plate from which all copies are made, digital printing uses a computer file to make copies. This means a digital printing project can be changed mid-run to reflect updates made in the computer file and companies can create one, ready-to-print electronic template for promotional materials that can be updated and sent to the printer with the click of a mouse.

How Variable Data Makes Quick Changes Easy

Another feature of digital printing makes it easy for companies to change their promotions quickly and cost-effectively. Variable data printing enables companies to print customized messages on their promotional materials to target recipients with the appropriate message. For example, variable data printing makes it possible to customize an offer so long-time customers receive a higher percentage off or first-time customers save an additional $50.

Variable data printing also makes it possible to change the language of a promotion to target recipients who speak a language other than English. This means Minneapolis companies can include English, Spanish and Hmong versions of a promotion in a single run. This saves companies time and money.

When your company needs a quick turnaround on promotional materials, consider digital printing with Matreks. Matreks can deliver a high-quality product quickly and cost-effectively. To learn more about digital printing and how working with Matreks can help your marketing bottom line, contact Matreks Printing today at 952-746-4010.