Friday, March 1, 2013

Statement Stuffers Can Transform Customer “Ugh”s to “A-ha”s

No one likes opening and paying bills. However, invoices and statements are an integral part of doing business. Sending statements to clients is also an opportunity for Twin Cities businesses to build their brands with statement stuffers prepared by Matreks.

What Are Statement Stuffers?

Statement stuffers are printed materials added to statement mailers that help keep a company’s brand top-of-mind with customers. Every piece of mail sent to customers is an opportunity to connect with them, even if that piece of mail is an invoice.

Including statements stuffers with invoice mailing are a cost-effective way to connect with customers. Well-planned statement stuffers are cost-effective and do not add extra postage costs to invoicing. One low-cost option that has to potential to increase sales is a capabilities sheet.

A capabilities sheet lists a company’s full range of products and services that existing customers may not be aware of. Finding a capabilities sheet tucked in with their bills can prompt customers to add more services or buy more products, leading to increased sales for the company and stronger company-client relationships.

Other productive statement stuffers include business cards, special offers, promotions and slips that offer other high-interest information, such as a change in a service or product.

How Can Matreks Help Companies with Statement Stuffers?

Digital, variable data printing process makes it easy to include statement stuffers in invoice mailings. Matreks is a one-stop shop for full-color, high-quality printing and direct mail services. Matreks can design and print a vibrant, high-interest statement stuffer that reinforces a company’s brand and include it in that company’s invoice mailing, with no increase in the cost of postage.

Statement stuffers can turn bills into an advertising opportunity for companies. Including capabilities sheets and other information can help build stronger company-customer relationships. If your company is ready to turn your customers’ “ugh”s at opening an invoice into “a-ha”s about your products and services, contact Matreks Printing today at 952-746-4010.