Thursday, June 6, 2013

Include a Customer Survey in Your Next Mailing

Many Twin Cities companies already understand the value of including statement stuffers and other promotions in direct mail communication with customers. While promotions and other advertising help businesses connect with clients, companies can help foster a stronger, two-way relationship with customers by including a survey with statements and other direct mail communications.

Why Customer Surveys Are Effective

Customer surveys are a simple, cost-effective way to gauge customer satisfaction with a company’s products and services. Feedback from surveys provides crucial information about what is and is not working and often illuminates changes a company needs to make to grow and be successful. Without a survey, companies may only learn they are on the wrong track when they start losing customers. Surveys allow businesses to capture this information before clients walk.

Asking the Right Questions

Effective customer surveys rely on well-crafted and carefully considered questions. Companies should include questions about the value of a product or service, satisfaction with that product or service, a client’s customer service experience, and a customer’s perception of the company in general. Surveys can also include an inquiry into whether or not a customer would recommend a product, service, or the company as a whole.

Tracking Responses and Changes in Survey Answers

Information gathered through customer surveys is meaningless if it is not organized and analyzed. Analyzing the data from surveys will reveal areas where a company needs to improve as well as where it is successful. Companies can use this data to improve products and services to increase customer satisfaction.

Surveys are also a great way to track whether or not improvements are working. Repeating a survey after changes have been made is an excellent way to gauge whether those changes have been successful. A customer who rated a company 5 out of 10 on a customer service question may rate the company an 8 out of 10 on a subsequent survey after improvements have been made.

In addition to these tangible benefits, customer surveys can improve customers’ attitudes toward a company just by being included in mailings. Including a survey shows customers that a company cares about their opinions and that it strives to improve and perfect its products, services, and customer service experience.

Don’t Overdo It

Though customer surveys are powerful tools for companies, it is possible to have too much of a good thing. Customer participation in surveys tends to decrease the more clients are bombarded with opportunities to take a survey, so companies should consider sending surveys just a few times a year. It is also important for companies to reassure customers that the surveys are anonymous, and that results and any potentially identifying information are kept safe and confidential.

Matreks can help your business incorporate a customer survey into most direct mail campaigns. Companies can simply send Matreks the survey file electronically and Matreks will print, fold, and stuff the survey into existing direct mail projects. Matreks can also create envelopes so customers can return the survey with ease. To get started, call Matreks today at 952-746-4010.


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