Your local Minneapolis digital printer has a lot of outside competition. Online companies based in other cities or states promise cut-throat rates and lightning-fast turnaround times. That’s because they are selling you a commodity. They want your money, not necessarily your continued business and to build a relationship with you.
The next time you need to complete a print project, ask yourself: Do I want to be sold to or consulted with?
Getting Past the Salesman Speak
Every business owner has been approached at some point by a vendor with a hard sale technique. They smile, they keep the small-talk rolling, and then they bombard you with information about what makes their product the best available. Vendors like these are selling, not consulting.
Other vendors take a very different approach. They may still smile and start off with some small talk, but soon, they turn the conversation toward the business owner’s needs. They listen. Then, they offer ways they may be able to help. These vendors are consulting, not selling.
Look for a Digital Printer Who Consults
Consulting with clients is the trademark of a good digital printer. Printers can offer a wide variety of products and services. They know how quantity and paper type affects a project’s price, and can help a client understand how minor changes to design and paper size could help reduce costs. All these factors contribute to whether or not a project is successful and economical. Consulting with clients helps digital printers come up with creative ways to meet a client’s printing needs.
To find a digital printer that consults, look for printers in your local area rather than an online company with a national presence. Then, give one a ring and ask if you can schedule time to talk about a potential project. The customer service you receive on the call can be a good indicator of the level of service you can expect later.
To learn more or to meet with a representative of a digital printing company that consults, contact Matreks Printing today at 952-746-4010.